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Stress-Free Back-to-School: Tips for a Smooth Transition into the New School Year

By Diane Landsberg.

Preparing for the new school year can be both exciting and stressful. With a little planning, you can significantly reduce stress and focus on the excitement and adventure of the new grade. Here are some top tips:


1. Early Summer Reading Check: Discuss your child's required summer reading early rather than a few days before school starts. They might not be completely honest about their progress!

2. Schedule Appointments Early: Book dentist and doctor appointments before their schedules fill up.

3.  Online School Supply Shopping: Purchase school supplies online for convenience.

4.  Uniforms and Labeling: Buy all uniforms and label them with your child's name.

5.   Practice Drive to School: Do a practice drive to the new school to familiarize yourself with the back streets, student drop-off/pick-up lines, and potential parking areas.

6.   Car Pools and Class Lists: Request a class list to arrange potential carpools.

7.   Register for Online Parent Portal & PTA: Sign up for the Parent Portal and PTA. If possible, volunteer to be a room parent. This allows you to assist the teacher and play an important role in your child's school life.

8.   Download School Calendar: Keep track of school holidays to arrange childcare if needed.

9.   Cell Phone Guidelines:

  • Set Rules and Guidelines: Establish clear rules for cell phone use, including having the passwords to check for cyberbullying and limit social media.

  • Pay for Insurance: Protect against loss or damage.

  • Set Up Tracking: Explain that tracking is for safety, not spying.

  • No Phones at Dinner: Enforce a no-phone policy at the dinner table for everyone, including parents.

  • Parental Access: Keep the phone charger in the parents' bedroom to prevent overuse at night.

10.  Create a Reward System: Develop a reward list together for following rules and working together. Choose family outings over money to boost self-esteem.

Pre-planning takes effort, but it’s worth it. These steps will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable transition into the new school year.


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